MESETARIAN is an experimental photobook about the rural, the urban, the plural, the individual, but essentially about the meseta (plateau). The images were taken during a brief stay in the Segovian village of Ayllón, and these are materialised in the stickers, postcards and poster that act as souvenirs that make up this book-object. These elements, which invite play and experimentation, are shown as that which is characteristic of this place, and how, in turn, they are the fruit of the Spanish society and tradition to which it belongs.
MESETARIAN es un fotolibro experimental que trata sobre lo rural, lo urbano, lo plural, lo individual, pero esencialmente, sobre la meseta. Las imágenes fueron tomadas durante una breve estancia en el pueblo segoviano de Ayllón, y estas se materializan en las pegatinas, postales y el póster que actúan como souvenirs que componen este libro-objeto. Estos elementos que invitan al juego y a la experimentación, se muestran como aquello que es propio y característico de este lugar, y como a su vez, estos son frutos de la sociedad y la tradición española a la que pertenece.
MESETARIAN is an experimental photobook about the rural, the urban, the plural, the individual, but essentially about the meseta (plateau). The images were taken during a brief stay in the Segovian village of Ayllón, and these are materialised in the stickers, postcards and poster that act as souvenirs that make up this book-object. These elements, which invite play and experimentation, are shown as that which is characteristic of this place, and how, in turn, they are the fruit of the Spanish society and tradition to which it belongs.